Our world, our word, changing day by day, cell by cell,
thought into wish, action into trust,
We are changing inside-out, in a cocoon of confusion,
We are living life aware, in an unaware state.
Wanting, waiting for the normal to appear transposed,
Fearing the change while becoming a self-created being,
The Aquarian Age has inched into a blossoming explosion,
Looking the same, while molding us into our wishes,
Forming our thoughts as tomorrow has already arrived.
We have what is needed. We have always had what we need.
Our hearts opening into flowers of trust, support for each other,
reaching to connect, changing tomorrow, fighting doubt and despair.
Our spirit is our guide in this darkness of light,
our hearts are pure at our core,
no lack is apparent in this Aquarian light.
Our courage is armored with our hammered will.
Our love is our shield, preparing us against sets of minds,
With freedom’s wings of purity’s light,
Trusting love’s weapon carved strong in our hearts,
trusting ourselves beyond powers galore,
rusted values forgotten in power struggles,
new desires of integrities born.
Trusting tomorrow is the only way,
knowing ourselves is the lighted path.
© Marcy Calhoun 3/14/2023
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