I encourage you to believe that your sensitivity is a gift. It is important that you activate your gift, so it brings you the support it is designed to give you.

You will also need to open yourself to the idea that your sensitivity is a talent that can be developed and strengthened, like a muscle. It is an intuitive emotional muscle that needs your awareness to direct energy where you need some support or assistance. Remember, where we focus our thoughts determines where our energy creates in our life. This is especially true for ultra-sensitives.

My book, “Are You Really Too Sensitive?,” is now available on Kindle and will soon to be available in printed copy through Amazon. Of course, you are welcome to order a copy directly from me as well.

Be sure to check out the FREE Zoom classes for ultra-sensitives on Tuesdays and Fridays at 2pm PST. Kathleen is a gifted ultra-sensitive, who is hosting the Friday Sensitivity classes. Melinda is hosting an amazing Tarot class several Tuesdays each month. I am available on Zoom for additional Sensitivity training every last Tuesday of the month and first Tuesday of the following month. Please register for these classes on the Appointments page, or text or email Kathleen, Melinda, or me for the Zoom link and meeting invite.