Defining Ultra-Sensitivity

“Ultra-sensitive” is a term I use to refer to a very sensitive person. It describes a state of mind and the type of energy the ultra-sensitive person generates. An ultra-sensitive person receives more information than people who are not generating ultra-sensitivity. In their state of ultra-sensitivity, the ultra-sensitive [...]

2023-03-22T07:25:34-07:00March 21st, 2023|Sensitivity, Sensitivity Talents|0 Comments

You are a Guardian of Sensitivity

Today, Valentine’s Day, is a day celebrating love, not only love of intimate partners, but the joy of being able to be loved, which includes loving ourselves. As ultra-sensitives, we are especially filled with love and caring for all sentient beings. If today you do not immediately have [...]

2023-02-14T12:02:42-08:00February 14th, 2023|Sensitivity|0 Comments

Classic Sensitivity

A classic sensitive is a person who is mainly focused on their family, friends, pets, and all things that are directly connected with them in their life. They do not usually get involved in many things outside their chosen connections and are involved in politics only if it [...]

2023-01-12T14:46:55-08:00January 10th, 2023|Sensitivity|0 Comments

If This House Could Talk

“If This House Could Talk…” I have heard this expression throughout my life and as a child I would wonder why the adults could not feel the pain, happiness, or confusion in the house we were in at the time. When an ultra-sensitive enters a building, they can [...]

2023-01-03T13:34:16-08:00January 3rd, 2023|Sensitivity|0 Comments

Healing Blocked Sensitivity

How does a person become a blocked sensitive? It’s usually during childhood that a person becomes a blocked sensitive. Sensitivity becomes blocked when a child experiences trauma that they cannot comprehend either mentally or emotionally. Usually, the child creates an emotional reason for the traumatic event, blaming themselves [...]

2022-12-12T19:22:13-08:00December 13th, 2022|Sensitivity|0 Comments

Classic vs Ultra-Sensitivity

We are all sensitive at various levels at different moments in our life. There are four basic ways we are sensitive: Blocked, Classic, Ultra, and Natural. • Blocked Sensitivity allows you to have a specific focus without distractions. • Classic Sensitivity gives you the ability to focus on [...]

2022-11-16T04:31:27-08:00November 15th, 2022|Sensitivity|0 Comments

Feeling Fragile and Under-Valued?

Many times, as an ultra-sensitive I am left with feelings of being fragile and under-valued. I have been working to figure that out for years and finally feel like I am arriving at an answer. It is how we treat ourselves that the world mirrors back to us. [...]

2022-11-01T13:18:39-07:00November 1st, 2022|Sensitivity|0 Comments

The Importance of Positive Feedback

I write about Ultra's ability to see other people’s capabilities. When we give feedback to people we care about and tell them how they can change or do things differently, they may perceive it as criticism. They may hear that we don’t like what they have done, that [...]

2022-10-04T14:08:35-07:00October 25th, 2022|Sensitivity|0 Comments

Hypervigilance to Healing

Some people who have experienced trauma not only tap into their Ultra-Sensitivity but remain in that Ultra-Sensitive state for the rest of their lives. From the moment of their unconscious choice to be Ultra-Sensitive (when the trauma happened) these people stay open, vulnerable, and Ultra-Sensitive to everything that [...]

2022-10-04T13:17:40-07:00October 18th, 2022|Sensitivity|0 Comments
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