How does an ultra-sensitive experience a memory?

It’s all about feelings for me. I first feel a memory and feel what it felt like. For example, I might start to get an impression that I am feeling hot, then I realize that I am remembering something that has to do with summer heat. I feel my body, and I notice that I am very small, still crawling, and I see my grandmother’s slip showing beneath her black jersey dress with the tiny white flowers.

That’s when I realize I am remembering (feeling and seeing) my grandmother from a moment when I was a toddler. At the same time, I am feeling my grandmother’s experience of me, and my feelings as the adult observer. I feel all three experiences at once.

I’m aware of my grandmother’s feelings of concern. I feel myself as the toddler, absorbing my grandmother’s feelings without comprehension and feeling responsible for her sadness. And I, as the adult observer, sense my grandmother’s weariness, hopelessness, and need for getting her work done.

My adult woman is feeling and experiencing the toddler’s feelings, my grandmother’s feelings, and the present woman’s feelings. It is not unusual for an empath to experience layered memories like this one.

Note that the more often we return to a memory experience, the more the perspectives contained in that memory are implanted in our mind, until it can become difficult to differentiate between our own memories and the memories of people we care about.

It is important for empaths to stay as conscious as possible when we experience a memory. Once we become aware of how many perspectives we are experiencing of the memory, we can realign, clearly see our purpose for revisiting the memory, and separate our own memories from those of other people in the memory experience.